
Zakynthos Town

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The city of Zante or Zante Town capital of the island, is located on the south-east coast at the foot of the Bochali hill in one of the most beautiful bays.

To date, the capital looks like a modern and lively city as the catastrophic earthquake of 1953 almost completely razed it to the ground, saving only a few sporadic buildings. Rebuilt immediately it has expanded considerably and even now it is expanding more and more towards the interior of the territory. In the past the city was rich in constructions of French, English and Venetian architecture, the three populations who dominated the island giving it their personal imprint.

The historic center offers neoclassical buildings, public buildings rebuilt after the earthquake, an intertwining of small internal streets and large squares such as Solomos Square dedicated to Dionysios Solomos, the father of modern Greek poetry or Piazza San Marco from the Venetian period which houses the only catholic church in Zakynthos. And again the very characteristic port with its Orthodox churches and the shopping streets that turn around Salomon Square, a wide choice of places for an aperitif and for fun, taverns and gourmet restaurants where you can savor traditional local cuisine or revisited in key modern.In short, nothing is missing in Zante Town, the opportunities are many and everything is mixed without bothering between ancient and modern.

The history of the city of Zakynthos

The evidence of its existence dates back to the Neolithic period and was also mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey and in the Iliad arguing that the name Zacynthus in Latin derives from the fact that it was colonized by Zakynthos son of Dardano originally from Psofis in the region of Arcadia (l in fact, the acropolis is called Psofis) between 1500 and 1600 BC The valiant Ulysses king of Ithaca was the next conqueror of the island. In the period of the Peloponnesian War in 430 BC Zantesi allied with Athens and was used as a naval base in the expedition to Pylos. In 211 BC the Roman praetor M. Valerio Lavino occupied the city of Zakynthos until the arrival of the Byzantines. Subsequently with a treaty it was recognized as an independent democracy, the first of its kind and it lasted for more than 650 years. In the Venetian period that lasted for six centuries until 1797 with a small interlude of Turkish occupation (1479-1485) the great fortress was built on the hill and had a strong expansion thanks also to the arrival of the Venetians from the island of Crete who they transformed it into a small Venice contributing to its growth both from a cultural and artistic point of view. In 1797 it was ceded to the kingdom of France with the Treaty of Campoformio and after the Congress of Vienna in 1814 it became a British protectorate until 1864, when the island of Zakynthos was annexed to the new kingdom of Greece

What to see in Zakynthos Town

Do not miss the famous church of San Dionisio patron saint of Zakynthos. It is located on the seafront adjacent to the port with an imposing bell tower visible between the buildings that surround it. Inside are the relics of the Saint, Georgio Diamantis' silver icons dating back to 1829, splendid chandeliers and a 1776 painting by Nicola Koutouzis. On August 24, the day of commemoration of the Saint, an exciting procession and a beautiful party with stalls and spectacular fireworks. It is the largest Orthodox Christian place of worship as well as the seat of the Metropolia of Zakynthos. Rebuilt on the ancient sanctuary destroyed in 1893, it was completed in 1948 respecting the neoclassical architecture with neo-Romanesque decorations. The imposing facade has three elements with two portals on the sides overlapped by a beautiful mullioned window and in the center three arches with a mullioned window.

Solomos Square the largest central square in the city of Zakynthos is located near the port and owes its name to the famous poet Dionisios Solomos who wrote the verses of the Greek National Anthem. In the center we find a statue in his honor and many important buildings such as the church of Saint Nicholas and Saint Dionysus, the rich Byzantine Museum, the Cultural Center where the Public Library is housed which collects more than 55,000 books and finally a celebratory bust of the poet Ugo Foscolo native of Zakynthos.

St. Mark's Square not far from Solomos Square, from the Venetian period there is the only Catholic church on the island and the Solomos Museum dedicated to Dionisos Solomos where his relics, his personal objects, his archives as well as portraits of the Lords are kept of Zante and their coats of arms. St. Mark's Square extends into Rome Street a beautiful paved pedestrian street where you will find an infinity of shops for all tastes.

The church of Saint Nicholas of the Pier is one of the few buildings that did not collapse in the strong earthquake of 1953. It is located near Piazza Solomos and originally stood on a small island connected to the earth by a bridge. Nowadays, given the expansion and reconstruction of the city, it is one with the town.

The Venetian fortress that undaunted dominates from above on a hill near Bochali village in turn almost attacked and behind the city of Zakynthos. There are not many ruins, only parts of some walls but the journey is very pleasant through a beautiful forest to reach a panoramic point that allows you to see the whole bay. Where the castle is located, even earlier there was a medieval city with twelve churches unfortunately destroyed by the various earthquakes that the island of Zakynthos has suffered. In 1984 some excavations have brought to light the remains of churches from the 11th and 18th centuries. Also take advantage of visiting the picturesque village of Bochali near the ruins. A gem of small labyrinthine streets and houses adorned with colorful flowers and last but not least a spectacular view of the city of Zakynthos and the whole surrounding area.

Byzantine Museum. Opened in 1960 in an elegant building in the main square, Solomos Square is spread over three floors and is a real blast from the past. It houses a rich collection of sacred art and works recovered from churches destroyed by the earthquake, a reproduction of the monastery of Sant'Andrea dating back to 500 with its perfectly restored original frescoes from the 15th, 16th, 17th centuries, oil paintings on canvas from the 17th century by artists such as Doroxas, Kantouni and Koutouzis and a model depicting Zakynthos Town before the earthquake. On the upper floors a fantastic view of the polis (city in ancient Greek). It is open every day except Mondays from 8.30 to 15.00 and the cost of the ticket is € 2 per person.

Villa Romas. A beautiful 17th century residence commissioned by an English merchant where you can admire the original interior furnishings and breathe the typical Anglo-Saxon atmosphere. It is one of the few buildings not particularly compromised and demolished internally by the great earthquake.

Zakynthos beaches

There is a city beach for those days when you don't feel like discovering across the island. Just after the port heading north is Zakynthos beach. A long and narrow strip of coastline that runs along the seafront. It is mostly frequented by locals especially on weekends so avoid those days if you don't want some sort of crowd. Continuing to the end of the coastal walk you will arrive in Krioneri where you will find a crystal clear sea with a rocky bottom for a refreshing swim and for snorkelling enthusiasts an amusement park with sea creatures peeking out from the rocks. There is a large parking lot to leave your vehicles.

Nightlife in Zakynthos Town

The city in its center offers many alternatives ranging from bars, places to have a drink to restaurants or taverns to taste local delicacies. Starting from Piazza San Marco, on Via Roma there are as many with the consequence of being spoiled for choice, however the Port is actually the heart of the nightlife of Zante City. If you want something more transgressive and open until the first light of dawn, just move to the town of Argassi about 5 kilometers south of the capital. Telling about all the clubs available would be too long and in this regard we suggest you take a look at the article nightlife in Zakynthos

How to reach Zakynthos Town

As always, it is better to have your own vehicle so that you can move independently. Wherever you are staying, head to the southeast coast and follow the road signs. For those who have decided not to rent a car or a scooter, there is a bus service that goes from the main villages to the capital. Always consult the timetables which may vary according to the seasons.

A stop not to be missed and marked among the things to see in Zakynthos at least for a day.


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