
Blue Eye Greece

2 minutes to read

The famous eye of Allah or Nazar or commonly called μάτια (matia) how many times have you seen this object? But do you know why it is so common in Greece.

It is said that he is capable of destroying the evil eye. The Greeks believe that in compliments there is always a background of envy, which is ill-concealed or unconscious. Envy comes from the external eyes. In Greece and Turkey the blue eyes are very rare, once it was believed that blue-eyed people were evil-bearers. Wearing a blue eye, however, reflects and nullifies this envy.

According to other sources instead it is said that a woman had generated a child so beautiful that everyone could not help but compliment her, but after two weeks the child fell ill. Since then in Greece and in Turkey especially to newborns are given away and made to wear jewelry with the famous eye to defend them from extraneous eyes.

Blue is also the color able to ward off evil. That's why so many blue doors and roofs in the houses.

Do you already have it at home? Otherwise, don't forget to buy one, if you go for your holidays in Greece this summer, remember though, that this eye should always be given, never bought for itself.


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